Security in Islamic discussion with emphases on holy Quran

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor of Political Science, Imam Sadegh University

2 Corresponding author and PhD student of National Security Threats, Higher National Defense University


According to fundamental and complicated structure of “Security” concept and affecting of theoretical bases and anthropologic kind of people in concept insight, we have planned to assess the affecting components on security making based on Islamic disputes and emphasizing on holy Quran in one hand, investigate the ontology and concept rendering plus security properties and the methods of its attaining on the other hand.
The main question of this thesis is: what is the security which has based on Islamic disputes with emphasizing on holy Quran? First of all we have selected some words as “safe, Hello, Relief, fear and sorrow” because of their most meaning relation with security and then we have concluded and validated the results with using of Imams’ narrations and reference interprets with the method of thematic study in holy Quran and kind of application-developmental study as library and documental. According to study’s findings, security understanding is attendant with real understanding of divine fort so that it is spiritual and sensual ensure which inspires God’s attendance perception and owes to product of slavery and task-orientation. Among different properties of security we can point to granted, perceptual, beneficial, task-oriented process, inherent divine fort, ancient and person-based and in spite of current insights that consider power, satisfaction and physical authority affecting on security realization and will impose; the method of security attaining is related on understanding and fulfilling divine task in human relational dimensions exclusively. The theoretical achievement of this thesis is understanding and fulfilling divine task in all levels and different relational realms including others’ rights considering to achieve divine proximity and attain sustainable security.


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