Determiny the political operation of the soft war in the universitis presenty a defensive stratigy

Document Type : Original Article


1 Corresponding Author and Student of Tenth Degree in National Security (Homeland Security)

2 Assistant Professor of Imam Mohammad Bagher School (PBUH)


Islamic revolution led to many regional equations hegemony is challenged, in order to deal with the Islamic revolution and prevention of spread and its export to other nations, placed on the agenda the overthrow the Islamic republic of Iran using the strategy of the war on the side of the semi-hard and soft war but the failure of enemy in the hard and semi-hard ware induce them to put their focus on the soft war; therefore, along with other methods, to deal with the Islamic republic, soft war strategy to change the political system was set as the priority was the foreign policy of the enemy. considering the features, conditions and capacities in universities, enemies of the sacred system of the Islamic republic of Iran determined academic centers as one of the important areas of soft war. this study aims to identify the functions of the soft war in universities and strategies to deal with it using mixed research method (qualitative and quantitative), retrospective and future-oriented and applied and developmental research. so using field and documentation surveys and documents regarding dimensions, factors and indicators of enemy’s soft war at the university and a review of environmental factors the findings by SPSS software both quantitative and qualitative, findings intersection using SWOT technique and through them using DELPHI and brainstorming, twelve overall strategies to deal with the enemy's soft war at the university was extracted. and finally strategies with the community elite, have been assessed. also to achieve this goal questions such as "dimensions, elements and indicators in college enemy's soft war" was designed which lead to recognized five dimensions of “ideological, cultural, political, social and scientific" and five component of “religion opposition, cultural alienation, critical actions, mamonism and science opposition" and 10 indicators related to the science opposition component. finally, 6 strategies will be presented in conjunction with the fix.

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