Possible scenarios in future studies of foreign relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia based on Arabic zone evolutions

Document Type : Original Article


1 Corresponding Author and Doctor of Political Geography, Islamic Azad University

2 Associate Professor of Political Geography, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch

3 Associate Professor of Urban Geography, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch


In this article-that is derived from a PhD thesis-the researcher is looking for raising probable scenarios based on Arabic zone evolutions. In order to fulfill this study correctly, first this question appears “What are the most important probable scenarios in foreign relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia based on Geopolitical evolutions of Arabic zone”? The research type is practical and the method is descriptive-analytical (using the snow ball method). In this method 25 professors and elites with special traits were chosen and asked through a questionnaire, that through these experts, components, index and items were analyzed and finally the questionnaire was sent to them. After confirmation of reliability and validity of the questionnaire, the Friedman test used for analyzing the results. The most important factors according to Friedman test, in future studies of 5 components of foreign relations of Iran and Saudi Arabia were: Islamic Ideology of the Revolution (exclusively related to influence of the Revolution), Situation, Ideology (quarrels such as perception of Islam, etc.), structural quarrels, Military skills. The most remarkable and effective component in formulation of probable scenarios in foreign relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia in order of importance are: Defensive, Cultural, Political, Social and Economic that the probable scenarios are based on this basis. Also the researcher comes to this conclusion that the most important effective and regional evolutions in relations between the two countries are: evolutions of Yemen, evolutions of Iraq, evolutions of Syria, evolutions of Bahrain, evolutions of Lebanon and Palestine etc. So it is recommended that strategic considerations regarding the relations with Saudi Arabia should be taken by drawing stage goals and step-by-step movements.

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