The Strategeies For Achiving Cultural Authority As The Real Authority Of The I. R. Of IRAN

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor and Faculty Member of Higher National Defense University.

2 Corresponding Author and Doctoral Student in National Security Studies, Higher National Defense University.

3 PhD student in National Security Studies, Higher National Defense University.


In recent periods disputes and conflicts have been focused over cultural spheres and hegemons by planned and organized efforts intend to impose their different cultural patterns on other societies by using their own methods and frameworks, in order to lead the world as they see and they think. Thus, power and authority of a state with respect to developments in human experiences and dominant conditions in the world today, can not be explained simply by hardware and hard power components, so this is the authority in cultural sphere that can promote the state to the highest peak of authority which is considered as the real authority. This research attempt to develop strategies to achieve to cultural authority as the real authority of Islamic Republic of Iran by utilizing exploratory method and qualitative and statistical analysis of findings of the research, by SWOT method of strategy formulation. At the national level, institutionalized and internalized beliefs and religious values in the younger generation, strategic management pattern design culture, broadening and deepening of the country's production capacity, to design software to deal with the enemy's soft war on the cultural and strategic thoughts of the Velayat-e-Fagih, institutional capacity building and resource mobilization scientific and cultural, educational and religious values-based modeling national lifestyle, design and implementation of Cultural engineering model, promotion and deepen unity and national solidarity in the field of cultural-religious, development and enhance self-esteem and national self-confidence Promoting the cultural security And the national and international levels, deepen convergence around religious identity and Islamic values, Presentation of the Ideal model of Islamic government, infrastructure design and institutionalization of the social sciences system based on cultural identity and religious knowledge, to achieve the common religious discourse and generalized in the Islamic world and the expansion of capacity to the country's media system at the transnational level  are the strategies from this research.

منابع و مآخذ
الف) کتاب
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