promoters of Islamic Republic of Iran`s soft power; with emphasis on inspiration

Document Type : Original Article


1 Professor and faculty member of Higher National Defense University

2 Corresponding author and PhD student in National Security


Potential capacities for any country in order to gain soft power depend on its abilities and its political, cultural and ideological capabilities. Islamic Republic of Iran with a very rich Islamic culture, a civilizational legacy and appropriate and appealing political values has many elements of soft power which in recent years have been partly realized and as a result, increased Iran`s regional and international  influence and has inspired worldwide nations and especially the Islamic world. The subject of inspiration in soft power is considered a very significant debate. Not only this concept provides a perspective about the current situation of the Islamic Republic, more importantly, it illuminates the way forward vis-à-vis our rivals and adversaries. Accordingly understanding inspirational elements of soft power and working to solidify and stabilize it,  would be of immense value in maintaining and increasing effectiveness of the Islamic Republic`s soft power. Given the sensitive strategic and geopolitical situation of the Islamic Republic, it is inevitable to strengthen aspects of its soft power along with empowering aspects of hard power (military and economic power). In this paper we have used a data-based methodology and found that the Islamic Republic of Iran`s soft power is formidable and standing because it is a function of internalized promoters of soft power; such as attractiveness of Iran`s Islamic culture and its civilization; expanding media networks and enlightening propaganda; feeling responsible in national and religious identity; promoting an anti domination, anti imperialism and anti Zionism discourse; preparing cultural and political conditions in accepting worldwide coexistence; promoting the Islamic discourse about dignity and non discrimination in human community; deepening an honest and faithful following of orders and interdicts of Providence of the Jurist; strengthening and establishing faith and resort in the current society; eliminating dividing elements and enhancing maximum consensus in theory and practice; expanding legitimate and legal freedoms and supporting and backing symbols in national level;….

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