Network modle is the best in intelligence dominance

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty member and Associate Professor of Higher National Defense University

2 Corresponding author and PhD student at Higher National Defense University


With the  increasing changes in the society and intelligence, specially security neglect and surprise which occurred in the intelligence organization  and  in the occasion which is hard to confront the crisis, it is ecessary for the decision maker to choose the kind of intelligence approach  which is comprehensive and complete and afform certainty.
In this regard, this article tray to introduce suitable approach for national  intelligence dominance. So that the  writter is going to find the answer of these  questions that which is the positive  approach to national intelligence dominance? And  is there  any connection between  positive approach for national intelligence dominance and concentrating  dominance management in the supper framework? and  also Is there any connection between integrated  intelligence  and   successful implementation  of dominance? 
The kind of research in this article is developmental and practical and used corolatioin to analyse the datas gathered by spss software.
Statistical community in this research includes; a group of elite and experts in the field of national intelligence dominance have sufficient understanding for dominance in the relevant areas such as security, intelligence, military, policing, cultural, political, community and economy. Research show that  network modle is positive one and  there  is connection between variables we talked about.
Keywords: national intelligence dominance, concentrated framework, network approach, national  Intelligence .

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منابع لاتین:
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