National religious effection in crime prevention and social damege

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor and Faculty Member of Imam Mohammad Bagher School (Against Islam)

2 Corresponding author and PhD student at the National Defense University


The aim of this study is to examine the effects of religious and national identities on prevention of crimes and social harms. The main question of this study is :how religious and national identities can prevent crimes and social harms?
The method of this article is a combined method(qualitative and quantitative) and the statistical population consists of imprisoned and non imprisoned offenders (of Tehran) and a comparison of them is made. The method of sampling has been simple stochastic and the tool of measuring are questionnaire and survey.
Also theories with social and cultural approaches have been used in order to explain religious and national identities(as independent variable)and prevention of social crimes and harms (as dependent variable).The findings of our study show that religious identity has a deep and stable effect on preventing social harms and also concepts like value attitudes, religious identity , dignity, social confidence, social coherence, social capital, social participation, security and legalism, have been evaluated in this research in which prisoners received lower scores than non imprisoned population(of Tehran).

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