Survey on deterrence pattern in use preventive war up on Iraq on 2003 (with emphasize on effective internal factors)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Professor and faculty member of Higher National Defense University

2 Graduate Doctor of Strategic Defense Sciences, Higher Defense University

3 PhD student of Higher National Defense University


Deterrence is a strategy in which a power, the threat of enemy attack is a revenge for the refusal. The idea of deterrence as much as his old war. According to the military capabilities of the parties, both symmetric and asymmetric deterrence is debatable. The balance will be based on the inhibition of asymmetrical balance of terror in which the models, methods and hardware heterogeneous, heterosexual and used differently. Pretext of the existence of WMDs in Iraq from America to a state of imbalance and asymmetric deterrence between the Iraqi regime and draw the United States of America. Ten years before the invasion of Iraq by America and its allies faced with opposition groups, both domestic and international opposition. Root causes of the Iraq crisis from experts in two categories: internal factors and external factors can be mentioned. Situation created after September 11, America has led the United States government foreign policy of unilateralism, threats and coercion to adopt the international political climate. Two events, the collapse of the Soviet superpower and the emergence super terrorism suddenly showed obvious inhibition as a strategy for America no longer matters and instead of "preventive war doctrine" was adopted as an alternative. Saddam's lack of strategic understanding of the behavior of the international community, especially America and the Russian invasion of that country, the main cause of the defeat of the Iraqi military deterrence. Type of developmental research - applications and its underlying approach is to examine the pattern of inhibitory function in American preventive war against Iraq in 2003, with an emphasis on domestic factors Iraq.

فهرست منابع:
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