Economic development pattern cyber defense against cyber threats

Document Type : Original Article


Professor of Imam Hussein University (PBUH)


In the age of communication and information and cyberspace, the world is moving in a direction parallel to the real world and the virtual world even more than it has imposed on human life. One of the areas of the space, which includes production, import, export and other international interactions and relies on a global network, the economic sphere. Enemy threats after the establishment of the Islamic Republic of Iran in different sizes and in different areas, whether in cyberspace or in real terms and the objective of a progressive process had And therefore monetary system and banking sectors, particularly special due to its importance, the enemy has faced a double threat. Therefore, measures must be appropriate and necessary grounds to think and to enforce it, They therefore recognized research cyber threats to the economy, basic considerations and functions of the monetary and banking system is its defensive approach In order to develop a strategic plan pattern cyber defense and national security interests with regard to the principles and the values, vision, mission, internal and external factors affecting its function.
This applied research - development was And a hybrid approach, using qualitative and quantitative techniques, the Delphi method to gather information from experts in the field of cyber and heuristic been in operation refer to the documentation. The population of this research, a number of executives of banks, monetary and number of specialized professors and experts of the Supreme National Defense University are related to the topic With a size of about 40 people as communities of practice to purposefully implemented.
The findings suggest that local networks and secure as a valuable indicator of attachment to international banking systems as a fundamental challenge, sabotage systems, software, hardware and data as the most important threat, cyber military defense capabilities of the country as the main strategy, the use of sanctions enemy.

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منابع انگلیسی:
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