Residents of the area of promotion of the spirit of jihad in Allah from the Qur'an

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor, Faculty of Philosophy, Qom University of Qom

2 Assistant Professor of Basic Sciences, Doctor of Strategic Sciences Management, Faculty of Higher Education, National Defense University

3 Sixth year student of defense policy at Higher National Defense University


Most countries in the world, and by extension the Islamic Republic of Iran seeks to raise the level of employee morale in the armed forces missions are assignment So that they can be Tkyhbr non-physical combat soldiers' morale is the most important influencing factors, differences in power levels of your physical combat as possible, a balanced formation. The aim of this paper is to explain the pattern of the residents of the area of promoting the spirit of jihad in Allah's Quran. Since this article to uncover the truth for the sake of God from the heart associated with the promotion of the spirit of the residents of the Holy Quran, So has since data and using the results of the Quran Foundation seeks to provide the residents of the area of promoting the spirit of jihad is, is applied. The study which included verses and interpretations role model and guide the Holy Quran and Quranic sciences and defense are twenty experts who are chosen method. Library and field data collection methods and data collection experts, questionnaire. Based on the findings of this paper and calculated according to the number 57/4 means of a questionnaire (in much too high); We can say that 91% of the sample (absolute majority) categories of high level achieved in the promotion of the spirit of jihad in Allah of the Qur'an influential residents of the area know.

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2- مقالات:
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