Strategic model of command and control in the armed forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran on the discourse of velayat-e faqih

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor of Imam Ali University.

2 PhD student of National Security Studies at Higher National Defense University


The decisive element in any organization's management and the role of the armed forces who generally command is replaced, become more important. Ayatollah Khamenei, the commander of the main axis of the armed forces, and they insisted on the necessity of strength and believe it has the essence of leadership is leadership. construction of clerical discourse, discourse analysis has been reckon. In this study, which aims to provide strategic model of command and control in the armed forces has been mixed method based on Velayat-e Faqih discourse, The method is grounded as the dominant method in which three "objectives, doctrines and policies" as pillars for the construction of discourse, discourse analysis reckon been the supreme leader. The population of this research, the library of all documents related upstream and ideas, views, opinions, guidelines and measures in the field of leadership and management in the armed forces supreme leader is considered for all elected and in the field by experts in the field, estimated to number 200
120 of them are available as samples were selected using purposive sampling Ghyrnsbty. Based on the findings, spirituality pivotal issue in the pattern of command and control in the armed forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran is that it distinguishes of other countries. The central evidence in this pattern, "the school and the centrality of faith and spirituality, sacrifice and martyrdom" and moments of "protecting the revolution, preserving the integrity" and "management and strong leadership, decisiveness and authority, discipline and laws , justice, understanding and insight "is also formed articulation of the discourse and the categories they are in the ranking.

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ب) منابع انگلیسی: