The role of elite in strengthening internal structure of national power Islamic Republic of Iran

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor and Faculty Member of Higher National Defense University

2 Corresponding author and PhD student in Strategic Management of Cyberspace, Higher National Defense University


Contributing factor in the development and manpower needs of the community elite. Given the major source said Imam Khamenei (may Allah grant) entitled elite to scientific progress and independence have been raised. And the National Military power is an effective factor in strengthening internal structure. This study examines the roles of national power elite in the internal structure of the system's strength.
The role of elite power components based on the strength of internal structure, growth, fruitfulness, stability and distribution arises. Given that this study research among survey-based instead researcher to achieve the objectives of the study, using a questionnaire (self-made) experts and members of the science and technology review the comments received and adapted components and indicators elite military strength is causing. As a result of research, development and approval of the distribution and other functions is presented. This research highest load factor of stability and fruitfulness and then after it was founded the components of the internal structure of the material impact strength greater than the strength of internal structure and hierarchy strength is spiritual. Using SMART PLS software components internal structure of the material-spiritual strength by 97% and the load factor load factor build inner strength source material (88%) had the greatest impact from the elite. And answers to the survey questions to determine effective measures as indicators of effective component research. The Z test result is 17 and represents a significant factor of significance is the role of the elite in strength.
The impact of changes within the power elite in the construction of the National Military strength is 75%. As a result, a significant hypothesis tests to prove the role of the elite in strength and build inner strength, showing a smart targeting Ahmadi on the issue is elite.
Keywords: elite, build internal strength of national power, spiritual strength work, source material strength, fruitfulness, foundations.

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