The doctrine of the Islamic Republic of Iran's military security objectives and policies based on dialogue and the general policies of the system of velayat-e faqih constitution

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor and Faculty Member of Farabi Faculty of Science and Technology


The narrow approach to the concept of national security, this concept was first defined in the military, and accordingly, an increase in power and military power as possible, was to provide security. Due to the damage that this approach to human society, a broad approach to national security later, another dimension was defined as military security is one of its dimensions. Through use of this concept gradually in view of different schools of security, for the security system were made less effective and collective cooperation and collective security, the better for the security of human society introduced. Although some of the views and schools of military security ineffective due to the complex nature of the current security focus, But it seems that this component is still a serious role in the field of security and is still a tool of the government for the attack and defense becase it is still the traditional military threat to national security concerns and military action, Can attack all parts of the state that is located in The government has pressured and threatened the basis of material damage and huge losses. The military security still retains its importance and its place in the literature of military security. The security system in the armed forces and the military-security function is defined, in need of software and hardware. Some of these aspects include the doctrine, goals and military security policy on the basis of the documents cited upstream. The purpose of this study was to determine the dimensions of Velayat-e-Fagih discourse, constitution and general policies of the system is to use the case study method as well as content analysis, discourse analysis and interpretive analysis, the dimensions of the military security of the Islamic Republic Iran recognized and presented. The results of the research, issues related to each of these dimensions have been recognized at the end of the study. 


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ج-سایت ها:
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