The role of cognitive technology in convergence and improving the Islamic Republic of Iran’s defense power ability

Document Type : Original Article


Corresponding Author and Academic Member of Imam Hussein Officer University (AS)


According to the directives of the Supreme Commander -in-Chief of the Islamic Republic of Iran, relying on improvement of defense capabilities, this paper explains the role of cognitive technology as one of the component of the Islamic Republic of Iran's defense Overall deterrence power. Then, based on documents and thinkers’ views in various technology fields, Indicators of this technology extracted & conducted by using mixed methods research through descriptive and survey methods. Through a combination of multivariate regression analysis (STEPWISE) was carried out and the effect level and correlation of variables were measured. And the results show, 10 components and 52 indicators which had a direct impact on improving the Islamic Republic of Iran’s defense power ability. The results of this study suggest that the use of cognitive technology as a sensitive military technologies, In all ten of their output capacity, in addition to strengthening national security and military capabilities, cause to promotion of defense diplomacy with change minds, Lead to excellency & the relative success in combating terrorism, improving the ability to predict the behavior of the enemy, Facilitate learning and help better soldiers’ learning, reduce costs of future war, improving behavioral and cognitive performance of soldiers by Brainstorming & strengthening the mind, making soldiers more responsible and more cultures, increasing decision-making powers in conducting of driven_ culture war, and improving the understanding of soldiers with increasing cognitive abilities and mental intelligence and ultimately with non- medicinal treatment of sleep loss and non-pharmacological treatment models relieve sleeplessness & fatigue of military forces.

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