Identifying the dimensions, results and affecting factor on the solidarity for the saving the government from the viewpoint of Imam Khomeini

Document Type : Original Article


1 Corresponding author and PhD student of National Security University of Higher Defense

2 11th PhD Student in National Security Studies, Higher National Defense University

3 Associate Professor of Psychology, Imam Hussein University of Medical Sciences


Solidarity is one of the factors affecting of consistency and continuing of a political system and can be investigated from different aspects. This paper is derived from the research for the offering the model of solidarity making from the viewpoint of Imam Khomeini.  Research method was content analysis and results were categorized according to the theoretical paradigm model derived from data. On this basis, the main phenomenon, solidarity making was presented which are affected by 20 categories of causality and contextual condition and 23 categories as the determining of model. In brief, the results of this research showed that form the viewpoint of Imam Khomeini, the process of solidarity making is affected by ideological conditions, political causes and other roots. In other hand the process of solidarity making is reachable by some strategy like following Vellayat Faqih, peaceful concord; emphasize in common principles, etc. Though some interlopers like the effort of Islamic scholars and intellectuals, vigilance, freedom etc. can facilitate mentioned process. Issues and results of solidarity making form the viewpoint of Imam Khomeini can be categorized in two groups: internal and external. Some of the most important issues in internal arena are independence, peace, defensing of Islam etc. and in external scene global peace, provision of Islamic world profits, fail of U.S awesomeness etc.


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