Security of Heart in Cyberspace: Fundamentals and Pillars

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran

2 Corresponding author and doctoral student of Cyber ​​Higher National Defense University


The cyberspace is intertwining and expanding its presence in all respects of the life. The cyberspace like diverse areas of life is directly in contact with the human being essence and his divine soul and can cause obscurity or eminence of the heart and soul. This spread and mingle has established challenges and threats to the living and responsible user, a creature having been created based on specific objective and purpose. The security of heart and soul is the security of the human identity and his divine spirit. Getting away from the inherent and acquired dignity, getting away from servitude to god and consideration of the Hereafter together with false and brittle tranquility and becoming worldly of all things can be summed up by the term "neglect" emanating from the cyberspace; The cyber neglect which is caused by the cyber technology dominance on different affairs and dimensions of the human life. When the technology determines the human life plans in a way that the man becomes the sheer follower of this culture developer and spreader technology, the shade of cyber neglect would predominate the human being. What saves the man from cyber neglect and oblivion is cyber wisdom. The wisdom preserves the hearts from the indecent morality and enlightens the human heart and soul. Continuation of the Islamic Revolution and religious rule and setting the stage for the formation of a community waiting for the reappearance of Imam Mahdi (May Allah hasten his noble reappearance) and readiness to accept his Islamic rule, requires the maintenance of the hearts of the Muslim Ummah from pests and evil sufferings. The individual, the family and the Islamic society needs to achieve an appropriate capability for protecting the heart and the divine essence in confrontation with the cyberspace.

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