Designation of the Strategic Management of Islamic Republic of Iran Based on the Effective Factors of Basic Islamic Wisdom

Document Type : Original Article


1 Professor and faculty member of Higher National Defense University

2 Corresponding author and student of National Security Studies at Higher National Defense University


The agents of the Islamic society try to prepare a suitable future for the society based on God's assistance and unwavering intentions, prepare and perform the considerable goals needed for the elevation of the society by an inspiring approach. Therefore, there is a need for a pattern to manage based on Islamic Leader's notified policies and three bases of Wisdom, Reason and expediency of Islam. Dependence of strategic management on these three bases can provide a suitable ground for the fulfillment of Islamic Revolution goals and values and the goals of prospective documents of the nation can provide the cause of improvement and the elevation of Islamic society and the formation of inspiring patterns of Islamic government. Thus, in this research based on not paying attention on the three effective bases, a pattern of strategic management based on reason has been offered.
The method used in this research is mixed (quantitative and qualitative).In the first step, the qualitative method (data theorization) has been used to offer the pattern and the results were analyzed by three-step encoding (selective and pivotal dingle). This pattern reflects the wise theme in each of the four steps of strategic management (policy making, decision making, programming, performing and evaluating). In the second step of the research the offered pattern in the qualitative step has been examined quantitatively. The statistic society of the research consists of 30 experts in the field of strategic management that have been chosen by targeted selection.  In order to validate the concepts of wisdom in relation to strategic management process, the structural equation model (confirmative analysis) were used. Those results show that the extracted concepts have a direct relation with the strategic management process. Therefore, the results from confirmative analysis in the second step indicate the amount of effectiveness in each factor of policy making. Decision making and strategic execution are respectively about %89, %71, %59 and %74. These results show that effect of wisdom concept in the process of policy making and programming was more comparing to the other steps

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