On Designing a Security Environmentology Model of the I.R.I Based on the Viewpoints of the Supreme Leader

Document Type : Original Article


1 Member of the Faculty of Higher National Defense University

2 Corresponding author and faculty member of Shahid Mahlati political school


Seeking national security interests and national aspirations have been a priority in political units. Realization of these goals stands in the need of a persistent and targeted presence in an environment beyond national geographical borders called “Security Environment”. Not unlike other political units, the Islamic republic of Iran has need of a persistent and targeted presence in its security environment to seek its social security interests and realize the principal goals of the Islamic revolution. Any presence in security environment is based on national security strategy which is designed according to data obtained from study of environment. Besides, security environmentology model of each country is designed particularly for that specific country. Therefore, taking the aforesaid issues into account, the present study is an attempt to design a native model of security environmentology. This study has enjoyed a scientific method including meta-analysis of documents and a quantitative design. The findings of this study are designing a native model of security environmentology based on the viewpoints of the supreme leader, Imam Khamenei.

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