Formulation of Strategies of Materialization Public Security of the I.R. of Iran in view of Social Asset

Document Type : Original Article


1 Corresponding Author and Senior Researcher at the National Security Studies Center

2 Assistant Professor and Faculty Member of Imam Hussein University


Today, maintaining and materializing public security needs observing complexities and depth of relations in social arena.
The interconnected networks in social field generate great capacities and capabilities which should necessarily draw attention of authorities and administrators of security system of the country.
But with this hypothesis that favorable public security emanated from a society with social asset is positive type, public security is an approach which monitors social asset (including confidence, awareness and public participation) and tries to establish and protect public order, reduction of crime and ruling laws and regulations.
In other words, in this line , the concept of » Social asset«  as one of the significant and key concepts because of enjoying software approach, has turned to one of the main axes of studies and strategies for maintaining soft security in macro-arenas and has drawn the attention of security authorities.
The current research aims at achieving effective strategies for safeguarding and realizing public security in view of exploiting social asset by using elites views.
Hence, by using convergent technique of data and pay attention to »Delphi method« in research finding field, the issue of strategies and related priorities have been followed and final result of research is achieved.

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