Infiltration theory defines the nature of different kinds of infiltration (hard, semi-hard, soft and compound)

Document Type : Original Article


Corresponding author and faculty member of Imam Hussein University of Technology (PBUH)


Infiltration theory defines the nature of different kinds of infiltration (hard, semi-hard, soft and compound) and modern infiltration as an alternative strategy for threat and the relationship of each kind of infiltration and modern infiltration with three – spectrum system of threat (that has been improved to four – spectrum by adding compound threat that is a fluid and intelligent combination of three threats) and also the relationship of Imam Khamenei (peace be upon him) two cautions meaning soft war and infiltration. According to this theory, corresponding to three kinds of hard, semi-hard and soft, three kinds of infiltration have also been perceived as a threat hard land,’”hard infiltration” or the former security infiltration, using triple tools if suasion, threatened and bribe to cooperate with the enemy by employment of spies ways or employment largely at the individual level.Semi-hard infiltration pursuits achieving threat goals and semi- hard war by another method and also facilitating, preparing and eliminating the obstacles of semi-hard war at system’s level while this war targets deep self- depending of political, economical and cultural systems but soft infiltration pursuits disordering accounting system of ordinary people specially officials and elites with combination of soft war and psychological teachings. When accounting system becomes disordered by alteration of logic and its measure values or by information bombardment and psychological war automatically gives false outputs even from true data; compound infiltration corresponding to compound threat is a fluid smart combination of hard infiltration (with focusing on people), semi-hard infiltration (with focusing on systems) and soft infiltration (with focusing on thoughts and accountings of officials and elites) in each of political, cultural and economical aspects is a social system that is applied simultaneously and intensifies one of three infiltration according to situation of four kinds of infiltration case hard infiltration (individual) and mainly tactical, flowing semi-hard infiltration, network and mainly strategic, flowing, social and strategic soft infiltration and compound infiltration is combination of all three cases. But metaphor of modern infiltration doesn’t introduce different types of infiltration (with regard to fourfold infiltrations) rather it introduces omitting infiltration from level one of tactic to an alternative strategy of threat and wants to caution that although infiltration is not a new topic and there have been different kinds of it traditionally such as hard infiltration (security), what is new is replacement of infiltration strategy with threat strategy meaning that if hard infiltration (security) has been used by the enemy as a tactic and semi-hard infiltration (systemic) and soft as an operation, today shaping operations of modern infiltration is a more cost-effective way for meeting the requirements than engaging at war or larger and more expensive interventions. Modern infiltration in addition to being compound by type, has been selected as a strategy by level to the extent that can be replaced for war and threat strategy. Current theory introduces the function of different kinds of infiltration, first, achieving the goals of four spectrum of threat by another way (except war) and second preparing, facilitating, accelerating and eliminating winning obstacles at applying four kinds of threat and war. Thus this  theory tries to define the relationship of four kinds of infiltration with three spectrum and four spectrum system of threat and analyze truly the relationship of soft war and soft infiltration. For assessing this issue the qualitative method and manipulating the technique of theorizing and librarian and documental study has been used.

-قرآن کریم،ترجمه آیت الله مکارم شیرازی
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منابع لاتین:
-         Global Transformations, Poltic,Economics,and Culture
-         David Held and anthonyy G.Mcgrew,David Goldblatt and Jonathan Perraton,1999