presenting a national security information network strategic assessment model

Document Type : Original Article


1 Doctoral Degree in Strategic Management of Cyber ​​Defense, Higher National Defense University (Corresponding Author)

2 PhD student in Strategic Management of Cyber ​​Defense, Higher National Defense University

3 Associate Professor Malek Ashtar University of Technology


Today, the establishment of a national information security network is considered as an essential strategy for the enforcement of cyberspace, and most countries have focused on creating and providing services on this platform. Determining the security of national information networks requires quantifying and providing an evaluation model that can be used to assess and design or select a national information security network. In this regard, the purpose of this study is to achieve the National Geospatial Information Network Assessment Model for JHA.
So the main question of the research is, "What is the National Information Network's National Information Network Assessment Model?" The type of research is also in terms of applied-developmental purpose and the mixed research method has been used. Based on this, firstly, in the library studies section, by referring to valid sources, the most important indicators and variables affecting the assessment of the National Information Network for Secure Data were extracted and, according to their nature and role, these variables were classified. The following questionnaire was designed and made available to experts, experts and cyber experts. Based on the analysis of the questionnaires, the most important variables and indicators for assessing the national security information network for JHA were counted. Finally, based on the findings of the library and field studies, as well as the analyzes made, the suggested conceptual model for assessing the national information security network for JHA was presented in three dimensions, nineteen components and seventy one indicators after the final validation of the cyber elites.

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