Jurisdiction of the Jurisprudence from the Iranian Constitution’s Perspective: National Security Approach

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD student of Jurisprudence and Law Principles Islamic Azad University of Mahallat

2 Islamic Azad University of Mahallat (Corresponding Author)

3 Islamic Azad University of Mahal

4 Assistant Professor of Farhangian University


Science and technology are one of the foundations of the endogenous authority of a nation. So far, there are no suitable strategies for solidifying science and technology, or if provided, this does not provide the desired goal. Considering that this research seeks to study and identify the strategies of science and technology affecting the strength of the internal construction of the national power of the system, it is therefore applicable on the basis of the objective. In terms of collecting data, this paper is also included in field surveys. The method of collecting information is through surveys, libraries and in-depth interviews with experts.
In this research, after studying and analyzing the statements of Imam Khomeini (RA), Supreme Leader (Supreme Leader), reviewing upstream documents, library studies and analysis of trends, dimensions and components of science and technology affecting the internal strength of national power were identified and exposed. Selected experts in the field of science and technology as the statistical community were identified and then the opportunities and threats, strengths and weaknesses were identified by quantitative and qualitative methods of analysis, and from the intersection of the components, appropriate strategies were obtained.
The results show that the strategy is to produce indigenous knowledge based on Iranian sources and bases, to promote the production of advanced science and technology infrastructure, and to use widespread use of secure virtual space, in accordance with the achievement of the authority of science and technology of the world, from the chosen selective strategies of the case Confirmation of experts is based on scores of charm.

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