Investigation of political security from the perspective of regional defense planning using a hierarchical analysis

Document Type : Original Article


1 Master of Regional Planning, Department of Urban Planning, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University (Corresponding Author)

2 Ph.D in Urban Planning, Department of Engineering, Research and Innovation, Geographical Organization of Iran


Land administration must be implemented in a manner that guarantees the participation of the people and their political representatives. The requirements for the implementation of the land development plan for the long-term development of the country are based on the principles of land management, including security and defense considerations, efficiency and economic efficiency, the unity and integrity of the land of Iran, the expansion of social justice and regional equilibrium, protection Environment and natural resources rehabilitation, preservation of Islamic, Iranian identity and protection of cultural heritage, facilitating and regulating the internal and external relations of the country's economy, removing exclusions, especially in rural areas of the country. A region that has the power of political security can be a prerequisite for the development of balanced development in the region and the land.
 By increasing security and providing appropriate security solutions to the territory of the land, we can see the establishment and sustainability of maintaining the population and preventing demographic migration. The present research is based on the purpose of applied scientific research and based on the nature and method of the descriptive-analytical method has been used. The nature of the data used is small and is a way of collecting data and information from the field and documents.
 The writing framework can be based on the interrelationship between security indicators in the political dimension, information gathering through library studies and field research (interviewing), and the preparation of a questionnaire. For analysis of the data, this method has been used to analyze the AHP technique. Question of Political Security Political situation in Sistan and Baluchestan province in what condition and how is the province of the province? And the overall objective: the achievement of sustainable security in the political dimension in Sistan and Baluchestan Province, is the minor objective: to examine the political security of the Sistan and Baluchestan province in the Territorial Territory. Based on the results obtained in the area of political security in Zabol, Dargan, Nimroz, Zahak and Mehrestan (Zabali), the priority is more secure than other cities.

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