The Strategic Management Process of Iran and Turkey's Security Threats with Emphasis on National Interest

Document Type : Original Article


1 Graduate Doctor of National Security, Higher National Defense University (Corresponding Author)

2 Assistant Professor of National Intelligence and Security University

3 Head of the Department of National Security, Higher National Defense University


The research, which is derived from a doctoral thesis, shows that Iran and Turkey, two neighboring and important Islamic countries in the region, have competing fields at the same time. Many factors and variables are involved in the security rivalries formed between Iran and Turkey and the created security bottleneck that can be attributed to political, economic, cultural and geopolitical factors. Security theories also show that countries in a security dilemma cannot reasonably find solutions to the effects of misunderstandings and mistrust and reduce uncertainty by relying solely on the levels at which they work together. Can reach the management status.
This study seeks to explain the security bottlenecks and dilemmas between the two countries and to foster and enhance the relations and cooperation, while explaining the security bottlenecks and dilemmas between the two countries, a process for strategic management of security bottlenecks between the two countries based on national interests. Offer.
Finally, it was identified that the process should include identifying and explaining the security bottleneck, locating security bottlenecks in the security policy and foreign policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran and Turkey, and in large part in the security environment of both countries and regions Identifying the points of commonality, differentiation, and key factors in each of the security bottlenecks between Iran and Turkey should be precise about the national interests of the Islamic Republic in the security bottlenecks with Turkey, and determining and identifying management strategies for the security bottlenecks.  

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