Legal Elements of Security Self-Control in the Armed Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty member of Imam Hussein University (PBUH)


Given the strategic position and ideological tendencies of the Islamic Republic of Iran, which assumes the defense of the country's independence and protection of the oppressed society, and the assault on the hegemony of the superpowers, the threat of infiltration and intelligence gathering by foreign intelligence services in the armed forces There has been a dramatic increase in the need for more attention to self-control. Therefore, the lack of effective self-control will make it difficult for the armed forces to maintain information, protect their capabilities, their intelligence, and their personnel. In this regard, the purpose of this study is to "identify the legal components of security self-control in the armed forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran". This study, based on library resources and field research, seeks to answer the question "the legal components of security self-control in the armed forces". What are the Islamic Republic of Iran? “The research method used in this study is a mixed method (qualitative and quantitative) and the statistical population of managers and commanders of the Armed Forces with information protection and management background and at least 18 positions is considered. Accordingly, the most important components were extracted in the library studies section by referring to reputable sources and interviewing reporters. It was argued that based on the analysis of the questionnaires, the most important legal components affecting the self-control of the armed forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran have been identified and ranked, which can be used to identify the legal weaknesses of achieving security self-control. And approving, restoring, and enforcing laws to officials and decision makers to assist the armed forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

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