An Investigation of Social Sphere Cyber Crimes and their Prevention and Confrontation Strategies in the Islamic Republic of Iran

Document Type : Original Article


1 Member of Internal Faculty of Amin Police Science University

2 Associate Professor of Electrical & Electronics, Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Shahed University


The social sphere cybercrime in the Islamic Republic of Iran is growing rapidly and imposes significant material and spiritual damages to the country and the people every year. According to the occurrence of these crimes in the national dimension and the impact of cyberspace from the internal factors and environmental factors, the fight against it also requires the great and inclusive strategies at the national level. For this purpose, the present study done to with the aim of achieve cybercrime prevention and confrontation strategies in the Islamic Republic of Iran. The method of this research is "descriptive-analytic" of type "survey and documentary". The population was 68 people and the sampling method was total number. To collect data, was used a researcher-made questionnaire with 46 items based on Likert scale. Validity of the questionnaire was obtained through content validity and reliability through Cronbach Alpha. In order to environment analysis and achieving strategies, was used the SWOT technique, to strategic position and action evaluation was used the the SPACE matrix, to prioritize strategies was used the QSPM matrix and to select the top strategies was used the critical evaluation criterion.
The findings indicate that the social sphere of the Islamic Republic of Iran's cyberspace has a competitive strategic position and in order to prevention and confrontation cybercrime in this sphere, should be used the 12 counted top strategies.

  1. فهرست منابع ومآخذ

    الف) منابع فارسی

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