Strategic Challenges of Develop Cyberspace

Document Type : Original Article


PhD Degree in Strategic Management of Cyberspace at Higher National Defense University


The cyberspace with its attractive and captivating technologies is penetrating without minute resistance among the administrative elite, folks and all the society pillars. Due to empowerment and power building attributes of the cyber space all the vital infrastructure of the country are adopting cyber technologies at high pace both at surface and nature levels.  This rapid and unconcerned tendency for employment of cyber technologies will lead to the formation of challenges and obstacles in the way of internal soundness of the Islamic society.  The present study using combinational method, firstly explores through the application of qualitative descriptive analysis and afterwards through collecting and surveying the expert views using structural equations and SmartPLS software, describes the cyber dominance dimensions in two levels of ruling power and Islamic identity.  US hegemony in controlling the cyberspace, ultra-governmental identification and monitoring of the empowerment the society capabilities, cyber threats and invasions, acceptance and trans-national and trans-cultural behavior and life style patterns, trans-national cultural engineering and management as well as decadent and Humanistic culture are the major challenges in the way of the country empowerment in the globalization arena and cyber hegemony. 

  1. فهرست منابع ومآخذ

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