The level of public safety and its determinants, factors affecting it in Mazandaran province

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor of Sociology, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch (Corresponding Author)

2 phd


The sense of security is multidimensional. Security is as important as security and is a psychological - sociological phenomenon that has many dimensions and comes from the direct and indirect experiences of people from the surrounding environment and people experience it in various ways. The main purpose of this paper is to investigate the level of public security among the citizens of Mazandaran province and to evaluate the impact of factors affecting the feeling of security among citizens of Mazandaran province. This research is a descriptive survey. Questionnaires and face-to-face interviews were the main tools for data collection.
The main purpose of this paper is to investigate the level of public security among the citizens of Mazandaran province and to evaluate the impact of factors affecting the feeling of security among citizens of Mazandaran province. This research is a descriptive survey. Questionnaires and face-to-face interviews were the main tools for data collection.
The statistical population of this study was the citizens of Mazandaran towns over 15 years old who were selected by quota sampling method and multi-stage cluster sampling. 1105 persons were selected as the sample size. Respondents observed a significant difference in terms of demographic and contextual variables (age, sex, marital status, activity status, literacy level, socioeconomic class, and city of residence).

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