Developing a Strategic Management Model for Cyberspace Security Based on Large Cyber Space Data

Document Type : Original Article


PhD Student of Cyber ​​Security First Degree University of National Defense


The intensity of the changes in cyberspace and its according  diversity of insecurity and the need to respond to the current threats of this space, especially the strategic position of the services and information available in this space, have necessitated the need for a model for strategic management of this space's security. On the other hand, having environmental information, both indoor and outdoor, especially with regard to the speed of their changes and the need for accurate information, allows us to manage security in the bigdata of this space. Understanding the environment for selecting the right strategies in all strategic management models is part of the model. Cyber-space bigdata, in addition to providing real-time cyber-space information, enables complete assessment and identification of the environment. In this study, the final model was implemented using ISO 31000 standard framework. In this standard, the risk assessment section was extracted with regard to the macro features of the data available in cyberspace. The risk values ​​in each of the extracted components of cyberspace security by using Bayesian conditional probability functions and using Poisson distribution modulated Markov model by combining Markov cycle with Poisson probability density function and its conditional functions in Bayesian network , Extracted from large cyberspace data, risk assessment was performed. The implementation of ISO 31000 standard was also completed in the formulation of risk management strategies by applying elements extracted from studies on strategic management and risk management models. Finally, the model is simulated with an example of a cyber threat scenario on social networks.


  1. فهرست منابع ومآخذ

    الف. منابع فارسی

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