Designing the Model of Economic Diplomacy of the Islamic Republic of Iran Key Needs, Components, and Strategies

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty Member of the Faculty of International Relations

2 Faculty of Economics, Allameh Tabataba'i University

3 PhD student in Security Studies, University and Institute of National Defense and Strategic Research


Economic diplomacy is a dynamic and evolving phenomenon, and its degree of dynamism must be assessed by taking into account the harmony of all influential domestic, regional, and global circles in normal and abnormal situations. At the domestic level, any society What is the situation if he first knows? Second, where is he going to go? Third, what are his abilities and tools?
And finally, if it is able to balance its foreign policy structure, goals, tools and functions, it can move forward and reach its intended home. He considered foreign policy and paid some attention to it
First, the design of Iran's economic diplomacy under normal circumstances differs from the security situation and requires its own strategies; second, Iran's economic diplomacy is not separate from the country's overall diplomacy; Domestic and foreign noted, fourth, that Iran has a unique destiny, namely that it is located in an area where the interference of foreign powers has impeded the natural dynamics of this region; Based on the definition they have of themselves or the image that others make of them, Nakhth are.
In this regard, exponential security is one of the strategies used against Iran, in exponential security space, the interaction of ordinary countries, especially in the field of foreign trade and investment, is costly,
One of the most appropriate solutions is to enlighten the people of the world. The second key component is impact Economic security means simultaneously focusing on efficiency and vulnerability, and of course, trying to reduce the country's economic vulnerability and increase efficiency and effectiveness in national arenas and global competitiveness.
The next topic is economic power and efficiency, focusing on strengthening the nongovernmental and private sectors and enhancing their ability to compete in global competition, and ultimately emphasizing resilience and deterrence against economic threats as a grand strategy. Foreign trade and the development of sustainable economic relations with other countries, including emerging economic neighbors and powers, are emphasized.

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