Designing a template for public security of the Islamic Republic of Iran

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD Student in National Security, Higher National Defense University

2 Ph.D. in National Security, Faculty of Law, University of Law


Goal: The present study is the first research that is related to designing the pattern of public security of Islamic Republic of Iran. This study has been done to recognize different dimensions, factors and indexes that can be used for better understanding the public security and promoting the present situation of it. Also the designed pattern that has been extracted from studying different internal and external theories and exclusive data, can be used by related researchers.
Research method: Mixed method is used as research method in this study. By this method, different internal and external studies and Focus Group Discussion (FGD) have been used. Then for evaluating the model, Delphi with 35 sample size beside analyzing the quantitative data by SPSS were used.
Findings: Among three final dimensions. Activity has the best factors and indexes. Second dimension is human and third one is geography that have higher means and have the most favorite factors and indexes.
Conclusion: By looking at the ideas of different experts, some factors like management, economy, science and culture, population and social factors like social capital and collective identity all are prior compare with other factors like policy and geography. Although their importance have been proved in mentioned pattern

  1. فهرست منابع ومآخذ

    الف. منابع فارسی

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    ج. سایت‌ها
