Explain the basics of security in monotheistic and material schools

Document Type : Original Article


PhD student in National Security Studies, National University of Defense and Strategic Research


Univocalism in differentiating material material causes very serious differences in the dimensions, levels, and methods of security, which, by focusing on each one, can also distinguish between two different attitudes towards security. Based on these two types of attitudes, the foundations of ontology, epistemology and a different methodology have been formed. After examining these attitudes, one can study the security foundations of monotheistic and teaching schools based on these levels.
The need to address this is to examine the challenges in the real world of security of the world and the confrontation between different security approaches and, consequently, to identify the exact cause of these differences and contradictions in the context of the ruling space of today's international relations. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to become familiar with the fundamental and The basis of the worldview is the intellectual and theological ideology of various security schools ruling the world and examining the various components of the most important security schools of the ruling and analyzing the objective and practical outcomes of these schools in different scenes of individual and social life of humans as well as on the international scene.
The study of the main cause of the difference in meaning and concept of security, the purpose of security, the origin of security, the issue of security, the dimensions of security and mechanisms for achieving security in the divine books and the question of this research. By analyzing and comparing the theoretical foundations and the security approach, the examples of material schools (realism, liberalism) and the study of the divine school (Islam) revealed that the difference in the security approach of these three streams originated from the difference in their ontology constraints.
This research has been developed in a descriptive-analytical manner and with the use of credible library resources.


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    الف) منابع فارسی

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