The Strategic Plan of Revolutionary Discourse from Imam Khamenei's Perspective

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor of National Security, National Defense University

2 Student of National Security, Higher National Defense University


The Islamic Revolution, led by Imam Khomeini (r.a), based on the monotheistic worldview of Islam and the Centrality of Velayat-e Faqih, emerged in a situation that the world was divided between materialistic and atheistic discourses. The issue of the present study is to shed more light on the possibility of revising the plan of revolutionary discourse from the Imam Khamenei's Perspective to provide an alternative plan for reconstructing the monotheistic and humanist Islamic society among the sub-discourses which were created by the East and the West during the twentieth century.
This research is based on social sciences studies and through using a set of statements, strategic plan of revolutionary discourse has been adapted in line with the research methodology and Imam Khamenei’s expectations. First of all, the research indexes were extracted from the research literature and was discussed with 65 elites. Finally, we came to the conclusion that the pivotal concept of "revolutionary" which was frequently used in Imam Khamenei's lectures is a sufficient condition for making a monotheistic society and it is also a major step towards the establishment of modern Islamic civilization. In fact, through the revolutionary discourse considered by the supreme leader of the Islamic revolution in a logical and intellectual manner has become widespread and accepted by people, to create a kind of public opinion and widespread cognition in the society.


  • فهرست منابع ومآخذ

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