Applying Regional Deterrence Paradigm in the policies of the Islamic Republic of in response to US military threats in three levels

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor, Amin University of Law Enforcement Sciences

2 Assistant Professor of Communication Sciences, Allameh Tabatabai University

3 PhD Student of Political Science, Allameh Tabatabai University


Following the unilateral abolition of the Joint Action Plan by Donald Trump, tensions between the Islamic Republic of Iran and the NeoCons reached their highest levels. Indeed, Trump considered the JCPOA as a tool for the growing development of the power of the Islamic Republic. Therefore, by imposing the most economic sanctions on the one hand, and considering the terrorists as the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps, publicly expressed his positions towards Iran. The full-fledged side of the war led to the expansion of the scope of the military conflict with the threat of deploying troops to the Gulf region. The main issue here is the nature and type of opposition between the Islamic Republic of Iran and the United States. Therefore, the authors' efforts in this paper are about providing answer to this question what is the main paradigm of deterring the Islamic Republic of Iran over US military threats? The author's hypothesis is based on the principle that military confrontation and direct between the two countries will not occur, and the findings of the paper, which are based on the theory of defensive realism and the use of synthetic methods of historical sociology and futures studies, indicate that for three major causes of this confrontation will not occur. At the national level, a deep coalition of military and official forces, including the army, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, the Parliament and the missile power Iran, At the regional level, the powerful Shiite coalition to support Iran and the fragile nature of the United States in the Middle East And internationally, the structural barriers of Russia and Trump's Narcissist personality are the most important obstacles to the realization of the US military strike against the Islamic Republic of Iran.


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