The Role and Influence of the Digital Economy on the Strategic Model for Development of Cryptographic Science and Technology in the Islamic Republic of Iran

Document Type : Original Article


1 Limited PhD level Strategic management allowed cyberspace National University

2 University professor and lecturer

3 Professor of Sharif University of Technology

4 Associate Professor, National Defense University


Economics is at the core of the development of every technology, including cryptography, and the digital economy is one of the drivers of the development of cryptographic science and technology. The purpose of this article is to help improve the security of information and communication in the country because the science and technology of cryptography is at the heart of information and communication security in cyberspace that cannot be achieved by any import.
The main issue in this area is the lack of a well-designed and strategic model for the development of cryptographic science and technology in the I.R.Iran, what the dimensions, components and indicators are, and how to provide the appropriate conditions for achieving the 1404 vision. In this article, we have dealt only with one of the important dimensions of the strategic model of the development of cryptographic science and technology in the country. Together with the conceptual model of the research was drawn and based on this, the model of achieving optimal status in the field of digital economy was determined. Using Structural Equation Modeling (PLS), two questionnaires were provided and handed them in. There are three kindes of study such as measuring, structural and overall model (GOF) and how this model is fit or otherwise. According to the four-step PDCA Deming loop, the strategic model for the development of cryptographic science and technology in the I.R.Iran, designed and presented.


  • فهرست منابع ومآخذ

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