The strategic plan of the revolutionary discourse from the perspective of Imam Khamenei) Modzaleh Al-Ali(

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD in Political Geography and Researcher, National Security Research Institute

2 Collaborative researcher

3 Assistant Professor and Faculty Member of the University and the Higher Institute of National Defense and Strategic Research

4 PhD student in Internal Security, University and National Research Institute of Defense and Defense Research

5 Instructor and faculty member of the University of Law Enforcement Sciences


The Islamic Revolution, led by Imam Khomeini, with the "foundation of the monotheistic worldview of Islam" and the focus on Velayat-e-Faqih, emerged at a time when the world was divided between material and atheistic discourses. The aim of the present study is to shed light on the possibility of re-reading the revolutionary discourse from Imam Khamenei's point of view in order to create an alternative plan for the reconstruction of a society of monotheism and the Islamic faith among the sub-discourses of the East and the West, especially in the twentieth century.
Based on social science studies and the use of a set of statements, this research has developed a strategic plan for revolutionary discourse in accordance with the research methodology and their expectations. First, the research indicators were extracted from the heart of the research literature and presented with 65 experts with scientific backgrounds. In the end, we can conclude that the central concept of "revolutionaryism" that has been used many times in His Majesty's orders is a sufficient condition for the construction of a monotheistic society and a great step towards the creation of a new Islamic civilization. In fact, the discourse through revolutionaryism intended by the Supreme Leader of the Revolution has become in a logical, wise way, as an all-encompassing and acceptable discourse of the people so that it does not support a kind of public belief and universal knowledge in society.


  • فهرست منابع ومآخذ

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