Ranking of IoT threats in the military environment

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD Student in Strategic Cyberspace Management, Faculty of Security, Higher National Defense University, Tehran, Iran

2 Member of the faculty of the University and the Higher Institute of National Defense and Strategic Research


IoT technology is one of the emerging technologies that allows data to be sent and received between objects through communication networks and is the source of dramatic changes in various fields, including the military. Utilizing this technology, in addition to the many benefits it will have for military organizations, also have some threats, the most important of which is security. , identifying the threats posed by this emerging technology is a very vital issue. Since determining the use of IoT technology in the military environment depends on determining the importance of threats posed by this technology, the purpose of this study is to rank IoT threats in the military field and the main question of the research is that in Which of the IoT threats is more important in the military field? This research is a descriptive method with a mixed approach (quantitative and qualitative) and using multi-criteria operational research methods. To measure threats, five criteria were used to determine the impact of the threat, the amount of damage in the event of a threat, the impact of the threat on the decision-making area, the impact of the threat as a result of the battle and the reversibility of the threat. The statistical population of this research includes 7 experts and 50 experts in the field of cyber and military. According to the results of this study, among military organizations, among the various threats of IoT technology, threats based on violations of the physical security of systems are more important.


  • الف. منابع فارسی

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    • کاشیپور، میثم (۱۳۹۴)، دیده‌بانی و رصد تهدیدها و فرصت‌های موجود در شکا‌ف‌های عملکردی ریزتراشه‌ها و بهره‌برداری از آن در جنگ‌های اطلاعاتی آینده، تهران، مرکز آینده‌پژوهی علوم و فناوری دفاعی مؤسسه آموزشی و تحقیقاتی صنایع دفاعی، چاپ دوم.
    • معاونت علمی و فناوری ریاست جمهوری، بدون نویسنده (۱۳۹۵)، گزارش شماره 1: از سلسله مطالعات برنامه ملی آینده‌نگاری در حوزه فناوری اطلاعات و ارتباطات اینترنت اشیاء و چگونگی ارزش‌آفرینی آن از نگاه مؤسسه جهانی مکنزی، دبیرخانه برنامه ملی آینده‌نگاری علم و فناوری در حوزه فناوری اطلاعات و ارتباطات، صص 4-3.
    • معاونت علمی و فناوری ریاست جمهوری، بدون نویسنده (۱۳۹۵)، گزارش شماره 3: اینترنت اشیاء و چگونگی ارزش‌آفرینی آن از نگاه مؤسسه جهانی مکنزی، دبیرخانه برنامه ملی آینده‌نگاری علم و فناوری.
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