the influence of the weight of ethnic geopolitics on political processes (studied: pashtuns in afghanistan)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Political geography, Faculty of Humanities, Islamic Azad University of Science and Research, Tehran, Iran.

2 assistant professor of political geography department , shahid beheshti university , tehran , iran .


this paper examines the history of afghanistan , which is always full of incidents and ups and downs , which have been involved both internal and external factors .

the findings of this paper indicate that the existence of different ethnicities , especially a maximal ethnicity and bias in the name of pashtun , has a determining role with respect to the features of the tribal society , which has a determining role in the thoughts of the taliban and forming of this extremist current , while it has intensified the conflicts and conflicts of the ethnic type . now , the question arises : how are the pashtun tribes formed over time and what criteria are they ? to face this , we had to have a brief history of afghan history and the form of ethnic pashtuns .

the present study by documentary and library method , in addition to reviewing the written records and records , analyzing and describing them , seeks to analyze the ethnic pashtun society with the presence of the taliban which is a clear symbol of these people in the afghan arena .

it seems that this research and the results of this study pave the ground for the study of the most scholars about the geopolitics of afghanistan and how the ethnic enclaves are present in the country 's power .


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