designating a hybrid model for IT emergency response team of defense sectors

Document Type : Original Article


1 Malek Ashtar University

2 p.h.d. of sndu

3 teacher of university


Today, with the growth and development of information technology, the infrastructure and information systems of defense sectors are also built on the basis of information technology; In such a way that due to negligence and failure to take care of the network, the possibility of loss of information and assets will be imagined; In order to respond to incidents in the shortest possible time, it is necessary to set up a Ict response team in defense centers; So that the network can be controlled in a reliable platform and unauthorized attacks and intrusions can be detected and the response speed can be increased in the shortest possible time with optimal communication between components; On the other hand, maintaining hierarchy and agility and using real-time systems is one of the distinctions of this team compared to non-defensive teams; In this research, by relying on the library method, the required data was extracted, and with the opinion of experts in the field of cyber defense, questions were prepared and distributed among 65 experts of the target community; The results of this analysis using spss software were presented as research results and a coordinating model was proposed for the command center and a hybrid model (distributed and centralized) was proposed for the lower layers; Also, the manner of interactions, services, the amount of authority, the method of reporting, and the organizational chart were presented


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    • سایت اینترنتی تیم پاسخ­گویی فوریتی مرکز ماهر
    • سایت اینترنتی پلیس فتا