Analyzing the challenges and threats of the cyber electronics field

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant professor of Imam Hossein University

2 Associate Professor of the Higher National Defense University

3 A graduate of the National Defense University

4 Doctoral student of,suppreme National Defense University


The expansion of cyber space in the electromagnetic spectrum and the emergence of guided, autonomous, Standoff and intelligent weapons such as UAVs (Unmanned aerial vehicle), USVs (Unmanned surface vehicles), UUV (Unmanned underwater vehicle), MAV (Micro air vehicle requirements) and other Remotely control equipment, along with command and control and decision support technologies such as cloud computing technologies, Battlefield Internet of Things, Big data, 5G, SCADA and Starlink technologies have greatly varied the battlefield environment and expanded in civilian areas. The intertwining of the cyberspace and the electromagnetic environment has created a new space called "cyberelectronics or cyberelectromagnetism)" which is able to influence all capitals of other domains (physical and cyber) in a short period of time. In such a situation, if the possibility of surprise was not out of mind until yesterday, it has become a concrete example with the cowardly assassination of the IRGC Quds Force commander and then the assassination of Martyr Fakhrizadeh with remote control weapons. The first step to deal with cyber-electronic attacks is to recognize the challenges and threats in this area, which reduces and to some extent eliminates the level of surprise. Therefore, the question of this research is, what are the challenges and threats in the field of cyberelectronics? In this research, by studying the documents of the countries with the name and the available articles and by using the MaxQuda tool with a meta-composite approach, four challenging and threatening categories have been extracted, respectively "technology", "fundamental", "integration" and "operational forces".
