Social welfare and security

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor of Higher National Defense University

2 Master of Law, Criminal Law and Criminology, Shahid Beheshti University


This paper examines the welfare and social security and its relationship with the concept of security in Tehran. Notion of the level of security is from the perspective of the respondents so this research is aiming this goal that if there is a relationship between the level of welfare and social security, and   the image of the level of security in the city or not. The variables considered in this study include individual and family factors, having insurance, the consent of the insured, and the hope for the future and the level of Social Security. Theoretical framework built according to: Fitz Patrick, Elrichbech, Jeremy Bentham etc. and research hypotheses are extracted. Based on this research model and hypotheses made and questions were formulated. The population of this study consisted of residents of Tehran that over 650 of them were selected and interviewed by cluster sampling. In this study, Cronbach's alpha test is used for reliability and for the validity, the technique of known groups is used. To analyze the data SPSS software is used. The main findings are:

Between security and insurance, social class, and the assumption of security, there is no significant relationship.

Between life expectancy and the assumption of safety there is a significant relationship.

منابع :
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