The IRI's National Security Strategy against U.S. Public Diplomacy

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate professor and faculty member of Imam Hussein University

2 Corresponding author and PhD student in National Security


Since the inception of the Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI)'s system, the gate of animosity of arrogant countries particularly America was opened to the former because of non-dependency. In the meantime, given the failure in hard (military) subversion, it tended to the soft type with the model of gradual changes for fall or internal collapse. In this vein, the USA inviolently invaded the country (people, elite and officials) in the scenes of culture, economy and politics to achieve her aims. Meanwhile, the significant means of soft power in international scene is public diplomacy which includes a process that pursues the direct communication to the people of the aimed country in order to develop the interests and values of the offending country in the latter.
Hence, this study deals with the questions what the IRI's strategies should be in the face of U.S. public diplomacy after September 11; what role/dimensions does public diplomacy play/have in the U.S. public diplomacy?, and what are the IRI's obstacles, opportunities, weaknesses and strengths in the face of the U.S. public diplomacy? This research is an applied one conducted on desk (book, instrument, dissertation, etc) and through survey (interview and questionnaire) which makes up a population of 150 persons of whom 54 are familiar with public diplomacy and national security.  
After analysis of the internal-international environment, varied counteractive strategies are introduced from which the best one is proffered, i.e. fortification of the IRI's acceptability and legitimacy through developing the role played by ethnics, women, academics, laborers, etc, in order to counter the objectives of the U.S. public diplomacy.

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