Empathy, compassion, state and nation Strategies affecting strength of internal structure of IRI national power

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD student in Strategic Management of Cyberspace at Higher National Defense University

2 Corresponding author and PhD student at the National Defense University


Valuable motto of Revolution respectful leader for the year 2015 as Empathy, compassion, state and nation is one of the strategies used to realize Islamic society and strength of internal structure of IRI national power . So in this research that is applied based on purpose and its method is descriptive based on mood of collecting data and of the type correlational and with regard to qualitative and quantitative approaches attended by researcher is selected as mixed method. In this research , first   theoretical fundamentals related to the subject of research were identified from library resources, articles by the Delphi method between experts of the subject( masters and students of strategic doctorate, executive managers of Esfahan) by group consensus of strategies and empathy and compassion components and in other word modern applied in terms of strategy proportional to announced year motto.
Identified dimensions were analyzed in 6 classes (promotion of communication level and purposeful  and effective interaction, improvement of level and participation of people in affairs, promotion of commons level and achieving to common concept of state and people(integration), raise justice honesty and feeling of interest between people and governance, law governance and raise of satisfaction level of service receivers( rapid, fair and economic) than the state as independent variable  and subject of  strength of internal structure of IRI national power as dependent variable by self-made questionnaire.Then data and information were tested to analyze, collect and correlation coefficient.Results show that dimension of commons level promotion and achieving common understanding between state and people is preferred to execute the motto of Empathy, compassion, state and nation and on the other hand , empathy and compassion as a local strategy  has the highest effect on the dimension of political, cultural , military and scientificauthority.

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