Build internal strength of the interaction of people and the Government of the Islamic Republic with fuzzy approach

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor and Academic Member of Imam Hussein University of Technology (PBUH)

2 PhD student in Industrial Management, Islamic Azad University, South Tehran Branch


The present study aimed to identify and prioritize the factors affecting the strength of the internal structure of the Islamic Republic through the interaction of people and the rule is written And tries factors affecting the realization of basic public security from the perspective of Imam Ali (PBUH) identify and prioritize .The purpose of this research point of view, in terms of applied analytical methods, descriptive and correlational. The population of this research, academic experts and experts in Islamic sciences, human resource management, security issues and regional experts and middle and high level managers who were selected by purposive sampling method and the number is 132 people. Data from the questionnaire composed of 35 questions were used to assess the validity, content validity, construct validity, reliability depends on the criteria and validated content using Lavshh and to measure the reliability of Cronbach's alpha was used against is 95/0. For data analysis, since all tests were normal variables Spearman, KMO and Bartlett using SPSS software and to prove the model of factor analysis was performed using SPSS Lisrel. As well as to prioritize the factors of similarity in fuzzy ideal option (FTOPSIS) was used. 35 of priority, the five priority are: loyalty Bhnzam, practice the book of Allah and prophet Muhammad (PBUH & HP Slyallh); Islamic rule, move around province and security to the people.

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