Offering strategies of cyber defense of the Islamic Republic of Iran against threats in the field of psychological operations

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty member of Imam Baqir University.

2 PhD Student of National Security, Higher National Defense University.

3 PhD Student of National Security, Higher National Defense University


One of the techniques of new pride in delivering damage and threat to the body of the sacred system of the Islamic and the use of technology in the world into war with Iran through cyberspace that in these operations massive psychological one of the tactics the enemy . With the development of cyberspace and increasing dependence public opinion in this space and vulnerability in the face of cyberattacks are having strategies for cyber defense in this area is necessary and in such a project, familiar with psychological operations enemies of the utmost importance will be  In this regard, the underlying research methodology and applied research / development is. As a result of this study identified though the threat posed in cyberspace in the field of psychological warfare, apparently something not so complicated, it seems, but in practice very different and more complex than other methods that given the requirements, this study develop and deliver strategies to deal with threats, vulnerabilities and reduce military spending in this area.

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منابع انگلیسی:

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